Ranger Up

N-scale UP Class CA Caboose Superdetailed & Modified MTL Model, Circa 1933-1949

Description: Offered for sale is my kitbashed, superdetailed N-scale model of Union Pacific Class CA Caboose painted in early Freight Car Red with White Lettering accurate for an era between 1933 to app 1952. This is a modified MTL "Wood Caboose" which is a pretty good representation of an SP C-30 and UP Class CA caboose but lacks many separate, specific details for either caboose. This model is of a specific UP CA Class wooden caboose, #2408 using a prototype photo as a reference (included in my photo uploads for you to see.) Here is a list of what was done to the stock MTL model, not in any particular order: (1) Middle window on either side plugged as per the prototype(2) All cast-on grab irons cleanly chiseled off the car body (3) Cast-on cupola grab iron cleanly chiseled off(4) Grab iron remnants sanded smooth(5) Replacement grab iron mounting holes located and drilled(6) 12 car body grab irons fashioned from fine brass wire(7) All car body grab irons mounted and glued in place( 8 ) Mounting holes for cupola grab iron located and drilled(9) Brass mounting pegs for cupola grab iron inserted and glued in place(10) Brass mounting pegs for cupola grab iron filed to correct height (11) Brass cupola grab iron bent and assembled(12) Cupola grab iron mounted and glued to mounting pegs(14) Mounting holes for cupola braces located and drilled in cupola and car body(15) Cupola braces cut and bent from fine brass wire(16) Cupola glued in place(17) Cupola braces mounted and glued in place(18) Smokejack cleaned up(19) Smokejack brace holes drilled with .007" micro drillbit(20) Smokejack positioned and glued in place(21) .003" dia Smokejack braces positioned, tensioned and glued in place(22) Stock running boards thinned(23) Thinned running boards glued in place(24) Running board end supports made from fine brass wire(25) Running board end supports positioned and glued in place(26) Toolbox detail part positioned and glued in place on underbody(27) Plastic sprue stretched over alcohol lamp creating end-window safety bars (28) Thinned/stretched plastic sprue safety bars positioned and glued in place on car body end-windows(29) Car body, trucks, end platform ralings/ladders assembled(30) Assembled model cleaned and de-greased for painting(31) Assembled model painted with Polly Scale Freight Car Red(32) Model properly decaled with Micro Scale Caboose decals with correct positioning and car number(33) Decals set with Micro Scale Micro-Set and Micro-Sol(34) Model cleaned again for further paint(35) Model subtly weathered with my precision airbrush using Polly Scale weathering colors (30) Model disassembled(31) Window "glass" attached to inside of car body using .005" clear Styrene sheet(32) Center cupola windows airbrushed Freight Car Red (33) Marker lamp mounting holes located and drilled in corners of car body(34) My custom Marker Lamps assembled, located and glued into mounting holes(35) Rare MV Lenses glued in place on mounted Marker Lamps, using .046" lenses and larger .052" red lenses(36) Wheel faces weathered (37) Stock MTL Wood Caboose Jewel Box modified to accommodate model's new separate detail parts Modeling Notes: The prototype in the era that this model represents had solid bearing, leaf spring trucks. MTL's "Caboose Trucks" have leaf springs, but have later roller bearings, so I made the choice to use standard, solid bearing trucks with coil springs. A few years later, most of UP's wooden cabooses received wood-framed "Q" trucks, removed from the steel-bodied CA-3/CA-4 cabooses when they receieved new steel frame outside and inside swing hanger trucks. Although the order was issued in 1947 for "all" UP cabooses to be painted into the Armour Yellow scheme, it took "at least" three years, maybe as much as five years, for "all" freight car red cabooses to be repainted, and it wasn't unusual to see cabooses in both color schemes running between 1947 and 1952, sometimes on the same train while deadheading multiple cabooses during equalization moves. I have snipped off the MTL "Magne-Matic" dongles from the couplers, but I've included a couple of new ones in the box if you want to put them back on. This model, while not "new", was just finished this week, and is better in every way than "new" stock MTL. This caboose will look terrific on the end of your train being pulled by your Big Boy, your Challenger, your Light Mikado, your 2-8-0 Consolidation, your FEF-3 in freight service, or any other UP steam. Diesels would include EMD F3's, Alco FA-1/FB-1's, GP-7's, and various road switchers in local and branchline service. This is a unique model, and obviously highly detailed, which is easy to see when compared side-by-side with a stock MTL Wood Caboose. I will consider decent offers, but I don't give my work away. I don't accept returns. All sales are final. I don't offer any actual or implied guarantees or warranties other than the item complies with my full description, and my photos are of the actual item being offered and accurately shows its condition and features. I ship USPS Priority Mail, and add additional insurance to fully cover the model's value. I ship within 3 days of receiving payment, most of the time within one day. I always make sure the item is excellently packed minimizing possible damage due to rough handling. This caboose is an excellent addition to your collection, or to run on your layout, and will add a realistic, accurate, and highly detailed caboose to any train you wish to run or display.

Price: 229.95 USD

Location: Ogden, Utah

End Time: 2024-11-26T22:58:54.000Z

Shipping Cost: 15 USD

Product Images

N-scale UP Class CA Caboose Superdetailed & Modified MTL Model, Circa 1933-1949N-scale UP Class CA Caboose Superdetailed & Modified MTL Model, Circa 1933-1949N-scale UP Class CA Caboose Superdetailed & Modified MTL Model, Circa 1933-1949N-scale UP Class CA Caboose Superdetailed & Modified MTL Model, Circa 1933-1949N-scale UP Class CA Caboose Superdetailed & Modified MTL Model, Circa 1933-1949N-scale UP Class CA Caboose Superdetailed & Modified MTL Model, Circa 1933-1949N-scale UP Class CA Caboose Superdetailed & Modified MTL Model, Circa 1933-1949N-scale UP Class CA Caboose Superdetailed & Modified MTL Model, Circa 1933-1949N-scale UP Class CA Caboose Superdetailed & Modified MTL Model, Circa 1933-1949

Item Specifics

All returns accepted: ReturnsNotAccepted

Type: Caboose

Brand: MTL

Assembly Status: Ready-To-Run

Color: Freight Car Red

Replica of: Replica of UP Class CA Caboose #2408 1935-1949

Material: Plastic

Scale: 1:160

Year Manufactured: 2024

Grade: C-10 Mint-Brand New

Gauge: N

Rail System: Two-Rail System

Corporate Roadname: Union Pacific Railroad

Theme: Transportation

Country/Region of Manufacture: United States




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